Friday, August 24, 2007

Opossums and ashes

I knew what had happened before I even looked out the door. Joy went out to feed Bridget and Raquel, then let out a shriek as she went around the corner.

Bridget took out another opossum. That damn dog...

She kills them every time unless I am home to run intercept. In the past I have managed to save two of these flea ridden, rat-like marsupials from that damn dog's demise, but not this time.

Great. Now fric and frac have the fleas. I just gave them their monthly dose of Frontline the other day, so hopefully it does it's job.

Normally I just bag up the dead opossum for the trash, but this particular one turned out to be a little more complicated. As I approached the carcass, I noticed a little set of legs trying to get back into the mother's pouch. She was definitely dead, but two of the approximately 8-9 babies were still alive.

I proceeded to remove the two live ones, placed them into a plastic box with a few blankets, then put them under an incandescent lamp to keep them warm.

Now what...

There are several websites that tell you how to care for the little ones, but as young as these were (their eyes weren't open yet) they recommended sending them to a rescue group for the proper care. Apparently at this age they stay attached to the nipple 24/7 until they open their eyes, then eventually venture out of the pouch.

All of the sites said to try pedialite to keep them hydrated until you could get them to someone. We just happen to have some pedialite hanging around.

At first, they weren't receptive to it, but started to take it a few hours later.

Trying to get through to a rescue group on Friday at 5:00 p.m. is next to impossible.
I guess animals do not need to be rescued after 4:00 p.m. on Friday.

After making a half dozen phone calls, one lady from Orange County did call me back, and referred me to a couple of local groups that deal with opossums.

Nothing but answering machines.

Even though we did not want to do it, we eventually called animal control. I knew if they took the babies, they wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell...but we ran out of options.

Approximately three hours later, Animal control was knocking at the door.

Via Con Dios little ones..I tried.

Today we received Sheba's ashes in a small, white plastic box with her info on it and date of death. It was done right here in Gardena by Pet Haven Cemetery and Crematory. I just happen to be looking at their website when the knock came at the door.

Once again I feel like crap.

It's good to have you home again Sheba.

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